
Small Pets and Fine Feathered Friends

Benefits Ruff Ruff Meow Can Offer Your Pet ......
Services and Rates
Small Pets and Fine Feathered Friends
Horses and Livestock
Contact Ruff Ruff Meow
Pet Sitting Specials and Other Helpful Information

The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." 
                                                                        -- Gandhi

Small Pet Visits

20-30 minute visit to home

This service is for animal lovers who have busy lives, work long hours or who need a vacation away from it all.

Ruff Ruff Meow is available for any type of pet: cats, dogs, hampsters, fish, birds and more. Visits provide comfort, companionship and a touch of loving care when you can’t be there. The visit includes all of our customary services: feeding, playing, walking, fresh water, bringing in the mail, newspaper, & turning on of off lights, etc. Visits also include giving medication, which can be extremely important if pets are on prescriptions requiring periodic dosages.

Our visits last a minimum of 20-30 minutes and can be provided at any time of the day you prefer - morning, midday and evening.


Base rate is $17 per visit  / Daily contract
Base rate is $15 per visit / Weekly contract

Price includes first 2 pets. Add $5.00 per visit for each additional pet.

·         Rates may vary slightly depending on location

·         .50 will be charged for each additional mile, beyond 10 miles from my business location

** Sorry no reptiles, or tropical fish accepted at this time **

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